Implant dentures are vastly different than their traditional counterparts. Stabilized by the jawbone, not denture adhesive, these prosthetics deliver maximum durability, longevity, and function. At Grand Dental – Lockport, our experts make it easy for patients to attain healthy, beautiful smiles that stay in place. Instead, of settling for those that require replacement every few years, implant dentures deliver a new approach to tooth replacement that lasts longer. Call us today to discover how you can start the process of receiving implant dentures.
Implant dentures are commonly made of titanium and look similar to small screws. Fitting within the jawbone to create a solid base for one’s smile, they mimic the function of tooth roots, stimulating the bone so that it does not collapse over time.
These posts are capable of supporting a full denture once they properly fuse into place. When ready, their maximum stability will allow for secured attachment of a fixed or removed denture – something patients and our dentists go over during an initial consultation.
As a hybrid prosthesis, fixed implant dentures cannot be removed by anyone other than a skilled implant dentist. Held in place using between 4 and 6 dental implants, a person must have good jawbone density to support this type of prosthetic.
As a “Snap-On denture,” these removable teeth can be easily removed when it is time for an individual to clean their teeth. Held into place with a ball- or bar-retained device, the denture snaps into place to create a full, healthy smile. It only needs 2-5 implant posts, so having much jawbone density is not necessary.
Placing dental implants is a multi-step process that requires complete commitment from patients. This replacement does not happen in a matter of days or weeks but instead months or even a year. Patience is necessary to ensure that each phase is successful before moving on to the next.
It is unlikely that any adult suffering from complete tooth loss will not be considered a candidate for implant dentures. While it is possible that additional dental treatments will first need to occur (i.e., bone grafting, gum disease treatment, tooth extraction), it is still possible for implant dentures to be the final result.
A complete consultation must occur, however, to ensure the status of one’s oral and overall health. Depending on the type of denture a patient wishes to receive, the density of their jawbone will be considered.
Dentures and dental implants coming together to create a longer-lasting prosthetic is an idea that was once only a dream. However, now that science and research have made it possible for patients to enjoy a more stable and functional smile as a result of these titanium posts, their incorporation into the dental world allows for improved oral health among patients suffering from tooth loss.
Some of the most valuable benefits of combining these two forms of tooth replacement include:
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