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Sedation Dentistry – Lockport, IL

Stay Calm with Ease at Our Dental Office

Whether you’ve had negative experience with previous dentists or you’re simply afraid of hearing bad news, patients of all ages can feel anxiety about their dental visits. At Grand Dental – Lockport, we hear you. That’s why, even if you find it difficult to call, we want you to know we have sedation dentistry to help you stay relaxed. With three options to choose from for sedation dentistry in Lockport, IL, getting comfortable in the dental chair couldn’t be easier!

Why Choose Grand Dental - Lockport for Sedation Dentistry?

Nitrous Oxide

Device administering nitrous oxide in Lockport

Nitrous oxide is a type of sedation that is safe to use and easy to administer. Known as laughing gas because of its ability to cause some patients to giggle throughout treatment, it is mild, meaning patients will be cognizant of their surroundings yet fully relaxed and unphased by what is happening around them. With nitrous oxide, receiving dental care no longer has to be a scary experience or something a person has to cancel or postpone.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

Woman wearing a nasal mask at the dentist’s office

Nitrous oxide is a safe method of sedation for both children and adults. At Grand Dental – Lockport, our team of dental experts offers it to patients of all ages who have:

  • Mild dental anxiety
  • A strong gag reflex
  • Difficulty with other numbing agents
  • Trouble sitting still in the treatment chair for long periods
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Fear of needles

While nitrous oxide is available for most patients, some may be ineligible, including those who are pregnant, have sinus congestion, suffer from respiratory disease, or take certain medications that could cause a negative interaction with sedation.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

Young boy receiving nitrous oxide

When a patient arrives for their appointment, they will have a nasal mask placed over their nose. The mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen will be turned on so that the individual can begin to inhale the gas. Within minutes, the effects will begin to create a more relaxing and comfortable experience.

Throughout the procedure, the patient may begin to feel euphoric, even developing giggles. It’s also possible that the individual will doze off; however, our team can tap them awake if necessary.

As soon as the dentist is finished with dental treatment, the gas will be turned off, and the mask will be removed. After inhaling pure oxygen for a few minutes, patients can return to their normal activities without fear of any negative side effects.

Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide

Woman smiling at her dentist’s appointment

One of the unique benefits of nitrous oxide is there is no downtime required. Patients who receive this type of sedation can remain confident in their ability to drive themselves home or back to work after their appointment.

There is a minimal risk that any side effects will occur following treatment (i.e., nausea, tiredness), so children and adults can resume regular activity immediately after leaving our office. However, if the administered procedure requires any post-treatment recovery, it will be necessary for individuals to follow our instructions to heal properly.

Oral Conscious Dental Sedation

Patient taking oral conscious dental sedation pill

If you have moderate to severe anxiety, oral conscious sedation is a worthwhile option to consider. Prior to your visit, we give you medication that’s taken an hour ahead of your treatment. You’ll feel very relaxed during your care, but will need a family member to drive you home since the effects do tend to linger.

IV Dental Sedation

Patient receiving I V dental sedation

Those with severe anxiety will find IV sedation to be the most ideal. This sedative is administered through the bloodstream, meaning it will take effect almost immediately. While you’ll be conscious, you won’t have memory of your appointment, making it perfect for those who struggle with negative memories associated with dental visits. It’s also ideal for those in need of multiple or longer treatments.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

What are the risks of sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is generally safe for most people. There are some individuals, though, who should not receive nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, or IV sedation, as it can present some risks. This is true for those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or who may be taking certain medications. These issues can result in complications if exposed to sedation.

No two people react the same to sedatives, so it is important that our team meet with a patient beforehand to discuss their medical history and any medications they may currently be taking. This will determine if any form of sedation is possible.

Is sedation dentistry covered by dental insurance?

Most dental insurance companies do not provide coverage for sedation dentistry, as they consider it a luxury treatment. Some exceptions are possible though, such as:

  • A patient has a disability (i.e., autism, Parkinson’s) that makes it hard for them to receive necessary oral healthcare without sedation.
  • A procedure is considerably complex (i.e., multiple tooth extractions).

Every dental insurance plan is different, so patients will need to review their existing benefits to determine if sedation is included in coverage or not. Our team at Grand Dental – Lockport can provide assistance should an individual need help.

How long does dental sedation last?

The timeframe for each method of sedation is different. The effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly – within minutes – once the mask is removed. This allows patients to resume normal activity after treatment.

Oral conscious sedation’s side effects can last an entire day, and it’s why dentists recommend patients have someone drive them home after their appointment.

IV sedation is similar to oral conscious sedation because of the lasting effect of drowsiness. Although the initial sedation will wear off soon after treatment, patients can expect to feel groggy for several hours. A family member or friend will need to drive the individual home after their treatment.

Will I remember anything with dental sedation?

Most forms of sedation will not cause a person to fall into a deep sleep. Those offered at Grand Dental – Lockport are designed to place an individual in a relaxed state. Should they doze off during treatment, our team will be able to easily wake them up. However, they are unlikely to remember much, if anything, from the appointment.

While nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation are milder than IV sedation, a patient might leave their appointment unable to recall what happened. This can be a benefit for anyone who struggles with extreme dental anxiety or has experienced trauma from a previous dentist’s office.

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